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Case Study

Accountability Edinburgh cuts payment time by 90% for clients with Modulr

Accountability Edinburgh was named Bookkeeping Partner of the Year at the 2024 Xero Awards. The practice has been streamlining their clients' bills and payroll payments with Modulr's Xero and BrightPay integrations since 2021. In celebration of their achievements, we have caught up with Director Rosie Berridge and Payroll Manager Michelle Heller to learn how Modulr has positively impacted their business operations and client experience. 


Reduction in Time

1 step

Payment Approvals

Watch Payroll Manager, Michelle Heller, demonstrate how Accountability Edinburgh have stepped up the payroll and payments game. 


A Vision to Transform Financial Services

Rosie founded Accountability Edinburgh to provide hands-on financial services for clients, such as bookkeeping, VAT, payroll, and the day-to-day needs of a growing business. Traditional accounting firms often deliver year-round accounts and personal tax, but don’t typically engage in the daily operations of managing a business, “that’s where we come in. A lot of our referrals come from accounting firms. We work with clients on a daily, weekly, monthly basis. Increasingly we’re putting in place finance systems and advising how finance workflows could function more smoothly.” 

Grappling with Manual Payments and Inefficiencies

Before partnering with Accountability, many clients faced challenges with manual payments. Across diverse industries—ranging from retail, design companies, and charities to building contractors and arts organisations—they recognised the need for a digital, automated solution to replace manual processes. "It's amazing how many organisations are still reliant on one person making payments manually. With one-step payment approvals in Modulr, it's great to be able to now provide a simple solution to clients.” 

With Modulr, the team at Accountability Edinburgh can alleviate the administrative overhead associated with processing payments and provide peace of mind to their clients.  

“For one client, the weekly payment run was a huge administrative burden: 3 – 4 hours every week. With Modulr, we do it once a fortnight and it takes 20 minutes.
Rosie Berridge, Director at Accountability Edinburgh

Eliminating Administrative Overheads

Rosie explained the significant administrative burden of managing supplier and payroll payments, which previously required the operations manager at an arts organisation to spend 3-4 hours each week processing payments. With Modulr integrated into their workflow, the process now takes just 20 minutes—a 90% reduction. This time savings has allowed the organisation to focus on other priorities while also strengthening trust with their suppliers. 

“They know they’re going to get paid the right amount, and that trust has meant we’ve been able to widen the payment runs to fortnightly, instead of weekly. It’s chalk and cheese compared to the experience they had before.” 

Accountabiliy Edinburgh White

"Modulr pulls the correct payroll figures and eliminates data entry errors. People hate making payments, and I know Modulr offers immediate relief from doing them manually. Do you realise the value that brings to our client relationships? It’s truly a game-changer for them."

Rosie Berridge, Director at Accountability Edinburgh

Reducing Human Error

For busy business owners, delegating tasks is often the only way to keep things running smoothly. One of Accountability’s clients did this by assigning payroll payments to an employee, but they accidentally paid the gross amount instead of the net. By integrating Modulr into their payroll workflow, the risk of such human errors is significantly reduced. “With Modulr, you’re not relying on someone to understand the difference between gross pay, net pay, take-home pay, or taxable pay. It’s an easy sell to customers because it’s a real added benefit.” 

Simple and Reliable

For small to medium business owners, paying suppliers can be highly stressful. With issues around cashflow, payment errors can be devastating – deliveries cancelled, supplier relationships damaged, etc. Additionally, many business owners find themselves writing off small sums caused by data errors, rather than taking the time to track down and remedy them. 

“If a client’s suppliers know that they’re writing off payment errors, or paying late or incorrectly, it’s not a great message to send. But if it's bill payments from Xero, we can use Modulr to take on the responsibility of that. For the client, it’s literally the click of a button, and it’s done.” 

Accountability Edinburgh has found a niche in their market, providing outsourced financial team services for small to medium businesses. The workflows they have helped to put in place for clients save time, save money, and propel efficiencies. 

Contact our payment experts team to learn how Modulr can transform your customers’ payroll and supplier payments experience.

Modulr is integrated with all major UK accounting and payroll software providers including BrightPay, Xero, Sage and IRIS. Explore more about payment system automation to enhance your business's efficiency. 

Products used
Pay Ins
Pay Outs

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