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Case Study

How Gain Credit removed the payment pain with Modulr

Through its collaboration with Modulr, tech-forward lending business GAIN Credit slashed payout speeds to under 90 seconds, decreased admin time by 75% and reduced customer support calls on disbursements to less than 1% of enquiries.

Today GAIN Credit uses automated funding and payouts, all via Modulr, to instantly disburse loans and provide an exceptional customer experience. But for a business that’s originated over £1bn loans to more than 100,000 borrowers, this is only the beginning of their journey with embedded payments.


reduction in admin time

90 second

average payout speed

<1% support calls

now relating to payments

Real-time loan disbursal

GAIN Credit knew that continuing to rely on a batch file disbursement process triggered by file uploads to banks would significantly impact the value of its service, and result in an experience that fell short of borrower expectations.

“Many of our customers have a real need for a short-term injection of funds. But there was a lot of inefficiency in the disbursement process, and multiple steps between approval and customers receiving their loans.”  - Ben Preston-Marriott, Product Director.

However, since using Modulr, GAIN Credit can disburse loans to a customer’s bank account within 90 seconds of an approved request. This operational efficiency is possible thanks to Modulr’s direct access to the UK’s Faster Payments scheme and our robust API led platform.

“Modulr has enabled us to streamline a lot of internal process and pass on significant benefits to the customer. So now, we can advertise the fact that we offer fast online decisions and speedy money transfers, and that's all thanks to Modulr’s embedded payments solution.”


1. GAIN Credit transfers funds from its external account to the Modulr Credit account, receiving a notification in real-time when the funds hit the account via webhooks.
2. API calls trigger immediate outbound payments to customer external bank accounts via Faster Payments. Webhook notifications then confirm that payments have been successfully made via the payment scheme.

“All in all, Modulr’s reduced the time we spend on admin by at least 75%. It’s been remarkable.
Ben Preston-Marriott, Product Director

Operational efficiency, with a single supplier

When lenders operate across countries, maintaining relationships with multiple parties becomes even more difficult. This is especially true when all these parties are needed to complete a single action. For GAIN Credit, their payments journey began with a mix of multi-stage handoffs, as they needed to move funds between US and UK banks before being ready for disbursal. The multiple parties in the process meant more points of failure and increased potential of delay.

“For a US-based company like us, it's a lot easier for us to have a relationship with one supplier. We can better manage our liquidity and ensure all our originations are successfully funded, rather than having to worry about manually transferring money from the US to the UK banking system, which can come with a big lag.”

By bringing payments in-house with Modulr, GAIN Credit removed these bottlenecks with a dedicated UK account for fast, efficient and automated local disbursement.

“We forecast our originations on a weekly and monthly basis. So we know roughly what the distribution of funds is going to look like. And all we have to do is fund our Modulr account and Modulr takes care of the rest.”

No more payment logjams and fewer support queries

The reliability and robustness of the Modulr platform has also unlocked huge value for GAIN Credit’s customer operations team. They now receive fewer support calls about the status of approved customer loans, as funds are disbursed instantly. This has freed GAIN Credit to focus on new ways to add value for customers.

“In the past we’d often have calls from customers asking where their loan is, how long it’s likely to take etc. That wasn’t the level of service we wanted to provide, and it also meant our team was bogged down with customer support requests. Now, customer enquiries about missing payments make up less than 1% of all enquiries we receive.”

GainCredit White

"Modulr has enabled us to streamline a lot of internal process and pass on significant benefits to the customer. So now, we can advertise the fact that we offer fast online decisions and speedy money transfers, and that's all thanks to Modulr’s embedded payments solution."

Ben Preston-Marriott, Product Director.

Why GAIN Credit came to Modulr

GAIN Credit products, like Drafty and Lending Stream, make it simple for customers to get financial support, in a way that works for them. This could be a short-term loan or access to a line of credit such as a reusable overdraft.

But, as a US company, GAIN Credit was challenged with getting funds into UK accounts quickly.

“We were manually transferring funds into customers’ accounts, but that came with a whole host of headaches. We were downloading files and uploading them as part of a very manual, batch process. It’s a system that was absolutely not fit for our business model, particularly considering the scale of our originations.

It’s a very competitive market and, as a lender, you're looking for a competitive advantage in terms of payouts. We were looking for a way to optimise that delivery and rationalise our internal processes and procedures.”

It is this search for speed and efficiency that brought GAIN Credit to Modulr. Now that they have it, they’re looking at where they can go next.

The next steps: unlimited opportunities
through the same API integration

Modulr has a full suite of payment products that GAIN Credit can unleash, including cards and individual accounts for each customer. These new services can be embedded through the same API integration, meaning that GAIN Credit are equipped to meet evolving customer demands, on a platform that can scale with them.

This is the transformative value that embedded payment technology brings. It solves some of the most pressing challenges lending businesses face and sets them up for future prosperity in one simple connection.


If you want to know more about how we unlock incremental revenue, operational efficiencies and smoother customer experiences for lenders, read more here.

Products used
Pay Ins
Pay Outs
Fraud Risk

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