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Case Study

How Miller Roskell's payroll processing went from hours to seconds with Modulr

In recognition of Global Payroll Week, we’re celebrating the diligent efforts of payroll professionals who are pivotal in ensuring the timely and accurate delivery of wages to employees worldwide. We spoke to Gordon Mackie, the payroll manager at Miller Roskell, a long-established Lancashire-based accounting firm embedded in the local community, to understand the payroll challenges they faced.

The firm manages more than 500 pay slips each month. Prior to Modulr, the team grappled with cumbersome payment workflows, manual input of bank details, and time-out windows which led to costly errors and consumed valuable time. They had a clear vision: "we realised we had to make things more efficient and look at integrating new technologies”. Their quest to deliver time savings and make their clients’ lives easier led them to Modulr.

3 hours

a month saved per client

99% reduction

in individual payroll payments

Miller Roskell found a solution in Modulr to enhance client experience

“Our client has over 110 employees. Previously, there wasn't a month where payroll went smoothly. Modulr now saves him hours of absolute stress each month.”

Time-Saving Efficiency

As Miller Roskell understand, paying staff correctly and on time is fundamental to the operations of any business, “if you've ever had your own business and paid payroll, you've got to take your time and get it right because you don't want to be messing up people's wages”. The process used to be stifled by manual, time intensive tasks, “we spent about 3 hours doing one client’s Bacs payments. If a mistake was made, you had to call the client, get another code, and redo the payroll".

Modulr’s integration with Brightpay saves hours of work and stress, particularly for businesses with large payrolls, by avoiding the re-entry of payment details each month. At Miller Roskell, “our client has over 110 employees. Previously, there wasn't a month where payroll went smoothly. Modulr now saves him hours of absolute stress each month”.

"Modulr has taken away the potential liability issues associated with logging in to a client's account.”

Enhanced Security

For payroll professionals, manually logging into their client’s bank account poses security risks, and authorisation code time-out windows detract from alleviating the burden for clients. With Modulr, Miller Roskell now enjoys the convenience and security of automated payments, removing the risk associated with sharing sensitive bank login details, “Modulr has taken away the potential liability issues associated with logging into a client's account”.

“We’ve got a lot of client success stories using Modulr, most save 3 hours of admin each month.
Gordon Mackie, Payroll Manager

Increased Flexibility

Miller Roskell prides itself on removing the administrative burden from clients, “the heavier the lifting we can do for the clients, the better”. Modulr’s easy setup process, with quick business look-up via Company’s House, made the onboarding process straightforward.

Modulr’s system also allows for quick cancellations and resubmissions. Whether it's a request to expedite a payment or make a last-minute amendment, the payment is processed instantly, ensuring that even emergency payments don't impede business operations, “we can cancel it, resubmit it and the payment's out within seconds”.

Furthermore, setting user permission levels enable the most appropriate staff members to handle payments, and segregate responsibilities for submitting and approving.

“They get a notification when the Modulr account balance drops below a specific amount. So that's taken away a lot of pressure.”

Greater Accuracy 

Modulr’s integration with Brightpay, "has massively cut down on payment errors” by removing the need to manually re-enter data into a Bank.

Automated account balance notifications also improve cash flow management, “they get a notification when the Modulr account balance drops below a specific amount. So that's taken away a lot of pressure”.

“We can cancel it, resubmit it and the payment's out within seconds.”

Gordon Mackie, Payroll Manager

Happy Global Payroll Week from Modulr!

As we celebrate the hard work of payroll professionals this Global Payroll Week, Miller Roskell serves as an inspiring example of how embracing innovative solutions like Modulr can revolutionise operations in the payroll industry. The firm’s clients have claimed back hours of administrative work each month, allowing them to focus on growing their businesses.


If you’d like to learn how the integrated Modulr and BrightPay payroll service can transform your payroll experience, contact our sales team here.

As well as Brightpay, Modulr is integrated with all major UK accounting and payroll software providers including Xero, Sage and IRIS. If, like Miller Roskell, you’d like to transform your payroll service, you can learn more here.

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Pay Outs

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