Insights, Payments Industry

The long and short of Open Banking

Hannah Mellow By Hannah Mellow on 20 December 2017   •   1 min read
<span id="hs_cos_wrapper_name" class="hs_cos_wrapper hs_cos_wrapper_meta_field hs_cos_wrapper_type_text" style="" data-hs-cos-general-type="meta_field" data-hs-cos-type="text" >The long and short of Open Banking</span>
In November, Modulr CCO, Kosten Metreweli joined a panel of expert speakers at techUK’s event, The Future of Open Banking - the Long View in London to discuss collaborative efforts to make the new Open Banking Standard a success.
Leading industry experts and technology providers got together to discuss the consequences of regulatory change, the vision for 'joined-up financial services' in the UK and what the tech community needs to make it a reality.
Modulr also announced a pioneering partnership with a major high-street bank to launch a true industry-first: real-time business payments available 24x7 with a sub-90 second SLA. For Open Banking to work, there must be strong collaboration between the CMA9 banks and the fintech community and this is a great example of this starting to happen.
In this short film, we've captured some of the panel's key insights that will shape the success of Open Banking:
For more information on Modulr’s pioneering real-time inbound and outbound payments SLA, see here: Modulr Introduces Sub-90 Second 24x7 Business Payments.